- General FAQ
How do I file a claim?
Click on one of the open cases to see if you qualify. Answer a few simple questions to start your claim. Sign the agreement to proceed further. Then register for the Client Portal to complete the steps for your claim.
Am I signing up for a class action?
No, this is not a class action lawsuit. Your individual arbitration claim will be decided on its own facts, which is why we ask for more information than is normally required when signing up for a class action settlement.
How do your fees work?
Our fees will be a percentage of the settlement or recovery we obtain for you. That amount will depend on the rules in the state you live in. We only receive a fee if you win, and you will never owe us any money.
Is arbitration confidential?
Yes, arbitration is a confidential, private process.
Why arbitration?
Many consumer agreements or services have mandatory arbitration provisions in their agreements and/or terms of use, along with class action waivers. You probably signed these agreements, such as with banks and credit card companies, even if you’ve never seen them or do not remember. They are also found in many online click-through agreements, such as travel, shopping, gaming, or entertainment sites. These clauses not only require you to arbitrate your claim, but to do so individually.
Do I have to appear in person for arbitration?
Most of the time, arbitration can be conducted either by telephone or through documents provided by you and the company.

Get Started
We felt there needed to be an easier way to get justice online. So we created Lantern. Explore which cases you qualify for.